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History Lessons By Teachers

Looking Critically - Two Factory Images

Created 23 February 2010 by Johanna Weinstein

Grade Level(s): upper elementary (4 - 6)
Historical Era(s): Expansion 1800 - 1860, Civil War Era 1860 - 1880, Progressive Era 1880 - 1914
Content Area(s): Art, US History

Lamson, Goodnow and Company, Birds-Eye View

Factories of the L. S. Starrett Co.

Summary and Objective

After studying the images of the two factories, students will understand that each picture has a different purpose. The goal is for students to be able to use this method of looking critically to look for information, bias and/or propaganda in any image.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Define bias and propaganda. Brainstorm what types of bias could be found in an image of a factory and why.

Step 2. View the image of Lamson, Goodnow and Company in the American Centuries digital collection. Read the label paragraph.

Step 3. Use the Look Closer feature to view the picture. Discuss what makes this image appealing.

Step 4. View the image of the L.S. Starrett Co. in the American Centuries digital collection. Read the label paragraph.

Step 5. Use the Look Closer feature to view the picture. Discuss what makes this image less appealing.

Step 6. Create a Venn Diagram (using the link below if desired) to compare the two images. Possible ideas: Lamson & Goodnow -idyllic, clean, recreational, homey; Both - factories, Massachusetts, brick, smoke stacks; Starrett - massive, dirty, impersonal.

Step 7. Optional extension activities: Look at other images of factories on the American Centuries Web site (www.americancenturies.mass.edu).

Web Site: Interactive Venn Diagram

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