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History Lessons By Teachers

Time Saving Inventions

Created 23 February 2010 by Sue Boyea

Grade Level(s): lower elementary (K - 3), upper elementary (4 - 6)
Historical Era(s): Colonial 1600 - 1750, New Nation 1750 - 1800, Expansion 1800 - 1860, Civil War Era 1860 - 1880, Progressive Era 1880 - 1914, Contemporary Era 1945 to present
Content Area(s): English Language Arts, US History, Science

Scythe snath handle


Patent Model of Plow

Pencil Pointer

Clock works

Summary and Objective

By examining objects from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries,students will understand that people solved problems through inventions that made tasks easier. Students will then create their own inventions from problems they may have in their lives today.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. View laminated copies of the items from the digital collection.

Step 2. As the children are viewing the pictures have them answer the following questions about each picture. What was needed to create this invention? Do you think it helped many people? What problem did it solve? How did it solve the problem?

Step 3. Have the students select one of the inventions and write a paragraph about how they think the invention affected the life of a person at that time.

Step 4. Using inventions in the story A River Ran Wild, by Lynn Cherry, choose one of the inventions and create an advertisement for a newspaper or catalog to entice people to buy this invention.

Step 5. Have each student think about a problem in their life they would like to make easier and create a variety of ways the problem could be solved. For example: chores they have to do around the house or at school.

Step 6. After thinking about the problem and how it could be solved have each student create a model of the invention. They can use any medium they want.

Step 7. Lastly, as an extension, have each student give an oral presentation about their invention. Be sure it answers the questions from step 2.

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