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History Lessons By Teachers

Where Were the Animals?

Created 22 March 2010 by Leanne Lovell

Grade Level(s): lower elementary (K - 3)
Historical Era(s): Expansion 1800 - 1860, Civil War Era 1860 - 1880, Progressive Era 1880 - 1914, Two World Wars 1914 - 1945
Content Area(s): English Language Arts, US History

Page 1
"The American Duroc-Jersey Swine Breeders Association"

Horses and Farmers

Cutting Ice

Bear Trap

Egg crate

Bifacial blade with modern haft


Otterskin Bag

Shot pouch

Bear comb

On the way to School

View from "Sugarloaf"

Seminary Farm, East Northfield, Mass

Mail Rider

"Betty at the Churn"

"The Snow Storm"

Janet Russell (1886-1981) with her cat, Sir Thomas Gray

Summary and Objective

Students will understand that animals have been used over time in different and similar ways by examining uses of animals in the past and today and creating charts showing these uses.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. The teacher will lead a discussion by asking the students how animals are used in our lives today and write responses down for students to see.

Step 2. The class will then review the online collection of animal-related items.

Step 3. The teacher will explain what each item in the collection has to do with the way animals were used in the past based upon the description in preparation for sorting the tasks into different ways animals are used.

Step 4. The teacher will elicit conversation regarding the use of animals in the past and today. The class will make a chart together to write down which items in the collection show animals being used as: pets. farm work, products, transportation, food, and clothing.

Step 5. The class will create a Venn Diagram together to show how animals were used in the past compared with how animals are used in the present.

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