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History Lessons By Teachers

The Hundred Dresses and the treatment of immigrants.

Created 04 April 2006 by kathy eichorn

Grade Level(s): upper elementary (4 - 6)
Historical Era(s): Progressive Era 1880 - 1914
Content Area(s): World History, English Language Arts, US History

"The Incoming of the Poles"

"Are We To Be Polanized?" article from the Greenfield Gazette and Courier newspaper

"The Need of an Immigration Test" article from the Greenfield Gazette and Courier newspaper

"The Poles at Turners Falls" article from Greenfield Gazette and Courier newspaper

"Aliens in New England" article in Greenfield's Gazette and Courier newspaper

Excerpts from the Diary of Ellen Louisa Arms (Sheldon)


"Grammar School"

Summary and Objective

By reading a work of historical fiction about a polish immigrant family and reading primary sources, students will understand that immigrants were not always welcomed in their new communities.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Students have previously read the book, The Hundred Dresses, by Eleanor Estes, which is about a Polish immigrant family. They will have also studied point of view in language arts.

Step 2. Students will read the newspaper articles from the American Centuries sites to learn more about the treatment of immigrants. Students will read some entries from a diary to learn more about point of view.

Step 3. With the teacher facilitating, students will discuss the immigrants' point of view gathered from the various articles.

Step 4. Students will write 3-5 diary entries from the main character's point of view concerning how she and her family were treated.

Step 5. Students will share their diary entries with the whole class.

Step 6. As an extension students can write their diary entries into a realistic looking old diary that they have made.

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