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History Lessons By Teachers

Parties Involved in the 1704 Raid on Deerfield

Created by Leslie Breger

Grade Level(s): upper elementary (4 - 6)
Historical Era(s): Colonial 1600 - 1750
Content Area(s): US History

Native Carrying Captive, Eunice Williams

Summary and Objective

Students will read certain sections of the 1704 Raid on Deerfield portion of the American Centuries website. They will learn about the five cultures involved in the conflict and make a chart indicating the reasons each group was involved in the conflict. Students will also look at a few artifacts in the digital collection that are from the raid of 1704. The goal of this activity is for students to gain a better understanding of an important event in history that occurred in our immediate area.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Pre-lesson information gathering-Students will go to the American Centuries home page and click on "The Raid on Deerfield". They will get to the home page of this section and click on "enter the site".

Step 2. Pre-lesson information gathering-Students will then click on "Play the Introduction to 1704". They will then watch and listen to the multi-media overview of the raid on Deerfield.

Step 3. Students will click on "Meet the Five Cultures". They will be taking notes in order to create a poster as an end product of this activity. Students will write the correct names of each group and explain where they were from and some history about the culture. Students can click on "Learn more about the specific culture" at the borrom of each short explanation. This will provide much more specific information if needed.

Step 4. Students will then click on "Enter the Conflict" from "The Raid on Deerfield" site. Here students will read specifically about each group's reasons for involvement in the conflict. Students will click on the tabs at the top to find out about each culture. Students will take notes as to the reasons for their involvement.

Step 5. Students will make a poster set up like a table, with the five groups as the five headings. The left margin of the poster will have the headings, "History", "Geographic Origins", and "Reasons or Goals for Their Involvement". Students will then fill in all this information based on their notes. They are encouraged to be creative with these posters and to add additional headings if they so desire.

Step 6. Students will view the artifact selected from the digital collection that is connected with the 1704 raid on Deerfield. It will need to be brought to their attention that it is from a theatrical reenactment.

Step 7. Post-lesson activity- Students will present their posters to each other, explaining the different parties involved and their reasons. After each group presents, a class discussion should occur where students can express whether they think certain parties involved in the raid were right or wrong.

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