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History Lessons By Teachers

WWI and Stateside Involvement of the Pioneer Valley

Created 23 March 2007 by Scott Dredge

Grade Level(s): middle school (7 - 9), high school (10 - 12)
Historical Era(s): Two World Wars 1914 - 1945
Content Area(s): World History, US History

World War I Encampment

Nurse's Dress

Proclamation by the Governor of The Compulsory Work Law

"Women and Girls Over 18" employment ad in Greenfield's Gazette and Courier newspaper

Page 1
Memorial Service text for Thomas Williams Ashley

Thomas Williams Ashley (1894-1918)

Soldiers moving down Federal Street

"Farmers Help the Belgians"

Summary and Objective

After the entrance of the United States into World War I, Americans throughout the country did many things to assist the Allied cause. After reviewing photographs, advertisements, and letters from the collection of artifacts from the Pioneer Valley, students will understand that WWI had an impact at home and that there were many forms of involvement. This lesson is appropriate for students with Special Ed. Services.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Before doing this activity, students should have studied WWI, and the United States' entry into the war, using your texts and lessons.

Step 2. On the day of the activity, the teacher and student should discuss how the U.S. Government encouraged Americans to help with the American cause.

Step 3. The teacher should point out that there were many forms of involvement or participation locally in the Pioneer Valley/Franklin County of Western Massachusetts.

Step 4. Inform the students that they are now going to be analyzing a collection of images from the PVMA website focused on this topic.Using computers, have students go online to the PVMA website, and look at each piece attached to this activity. The teacher will observe that each student is doing this.

Step 5. The teacher will then make a chart on the board containing as many columns as necessary to show the many different forms of involvement.

Step 6. The teacher will call on students to identify specifically what types of local (the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts) participation helped the American/Allied cause in WWI, and have a discussion for each identified type of participation.

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