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History Lessons By Teachers

What to Wear? What to Wear?

Created 23 May 2007 by Suzanne Wells

Grade Level(s): lower elementary (K - 3)
Historical Era(s): Beginnings to 1600, Colonial 1600 - 1750, New Nation 1750 - 1800, Expansion 1800 - 1860, Civil War Era 1860 - 1880, Progressive Era 1880 - 1914, Two World Wars 1914 - 1945
Content Area(s): World History, English Language Arts, Art, US History, Geography, Economics, Civics/Government

Boy's Dress

Girl's boots

Christening Dress

Children's boots

Boy's Suit

Sarah Coleman's shoe

Child's stays

Infant's Mitts

Plaid suit

Summary and Objective

Students will understand that as fashion has changed over time, clothing is still important for many reasons and purposes. Through an interactive art project, students will use the ditigial collection to create a mobile that will help them understand the differences between fashion and clothing then and now.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Hold a discussion with the class with questions such as, "Do we have clothes that we wear only for certain times?" "If so what are some of these clothes and what purpose do they serve?" For example many of the children play sports or have dance lessons,or play outside after school. What might be different in these clothes than the clothes you wore to school or church?

Step 2. Print copies of the items attached to this lesson out for children to see and discuss. Have the children take a close look at the styles and purpose these items of clothing may serve. Ask the children how they may think these articles of clothing were used and what they may have been worn for.

Step 3. Read one of the books listed, either: "Children Just Like Me" "Celebrations!", by Barnabes and Anabel Kindersley, or "Bloomers!" by Rhoda Blumberg. Read one the next day as a follow up lesson. Stop during the reading to discuss what purpose the articles of clothing were used for.

Step 4. Hand out a selection of the digital collection photos attached to this lesson to each child and a few children's fashion magazines/ catelogs for the students to cut out and compare to the photos in the attached items to this lesson.

Step 5. Provide each child with 8 to 10, 4"by 4" square pieces of construction paper. Have them glue one photo from the digital collection attached to this lesson to one side of the 4"by 4" square.

Step 6. Using magizines, have each student cut out a photo similar in style and purpose from today's fashions as a comparison. Glue this matching magazine photo to the other side of the 4"by 4" square and label with its name and purpose.

Step 7. Provide each student with a wire hanger and 4 to 6 pieces of string that are 8 to 10 inches long. This will be used to hang their photos from the wire hanger.

Step 8. Discuss and compare the styles and changes the children found in the fashions for their mobiles. Display the mobiles in the classroom to help aid in the discussion of the fashions from long ago to the fashions of today.

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