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History Lessons By Teachers

Early 19th Century Tradesmen

Created 23 April 2007 by milkiewicz cynthia

Grade Level(s): upper elementary (4 - 6)
Historical Era(s): Expansion 1800 - 1860
Content Area(s): English Language Arts, US History, Economics

"Little Jack of All Trades, with Suitable Representations. Part I."

Summary and Objective

Students will use a primary source to learn about the various trades of the 1800's. Through the reading, students will learn the importance of these Early American Tradesmen. Students will understand that each job was dependent upon another within the community. This activity will give students a preliminary look at the common trades during this time period and lead into a more involved project.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Fifteen trades from the book, Little Jack of All Trades, with Suitable Representations, Part 1.", will be printed on to fifteen index cards. On the back of each card there will be page numbers that refer to the specific pages on each trade. For Example, Cooper, pp. 60-62, Weaver, pp. 63-66.

Step 2. Students will be divided into pairs. Each pair will pick a card with a trade and corresponding page numbers on it.

Step 3. Students will be instructed on how to use the American Centuries website. They will then use the website to find the book, "Little Jack of All Trades...", and look up their specific pages.

Step 4. Student pairs will work together to read the text about their particular trade. They will look for information such as: What type of work did the tradesman do?, What type of tools and materials were used?, How did the people in the community or other tradesmen depend on them?, and any other interesting facts.

Step 5. Student pairs will use the information they gathered to create a poster representing their trade and its importance to the community.

Step 6. Follow up: Students will present their posters to the class.

Step 7. Post Activity: Students will continue their research on the Early American Tradesmen using the library and computer as resources. Students will write a report, construct a shop, and make a sign that represents their trade.

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