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History Lessons By Teachers

Making a crossword on women's clothing

Created by carol wagner

Grade Level(s): upper elementary (4 - 6)
Historical Era(s): Colonial 1600 - 1750, Expansion 1800 - 1860
Content Area(s): English Language Arts, US History


Shoes of William Dorrell (1752-1846)

French Document Fan

Woman's Stays

Child's stays

Wedding gown

Calico Pocket

Embroidered pocket



Summary and Objective

Students will understand that there are various names and functions of women's clothing of the 1700's and 1800's. Students make up crosswords on the internet or with pencil and graph paper after viewing the many Dress Up Activities on the American Centuries website in that time period. Extentions optional for modern day clothing.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Teacher prints and enlarges the items tagged in the visual collection

Step 2. These visuals are the kick-off discussion topics for thinking about clothes of old.Suggestions for questions are "What do you think stays are for?","What does this pocket tell you about women's gowns?",and "What does the wedding gown tell us about weddings in this time period?"

Step 3. Students view Dress Up Activities on the American Centuries website of the 1700's and 1800's in teams of twos to encourage careful reading and high interest of topic. The teacher can provide focus questions for each team, such as "What is missing or different on this piece of clothing that you would have today?","Where would the woman wear this clothing?",or "Did you ever see someone wearing a smock and why did they have it on?"

Step 4. Teacher introduces idea of making a crossword of clothing of the 1700's and 1800's for women.

Step 5. Students revisit Dress Up Activity with pencil and paper and list words and definitions to use. Maximum number of words are thirty and minimum number is ten.

Step 6. Students go to puzzlemaker.school.discovery.com or any other puzzlemaking site to create their crosswords.

Step 7. Students exchange and solve teacher-checked puzzles.

Step 8. Optional extentions. Use other periods for crossword or using a full-sized child's picture,label and describe the current fashion items,like Heelies and Lance Armstrong bracelets. Then make a corresponding crossword.

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