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History Lessons By Teachers

I Feel Sick

Created 30 May 2007 by Susan Breen

Grade Level(s): upper elementary (4 - 6)
Historical Era(s): Expansion 1800 - 1860, Civil War Era 1860 - 1880, Progressive Era 1880 - 1914, Contemporary Era 1945 to present
Content Area(s): US History, Science

"The Pocumtuc Housewife; A Guide to Domestic Cookery"

Summary and Objective

Using selected items from the digital collection, students will understand that remedies for common ailments such as a cold or stomach upset, have changed considerably over the past 150 years. Students will compare and contrast remedies to point out specific similarities and differences.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Discuss the typical ailments that are common with the students (headache, stomach, flu, cough, etc). Encourage them to share their remedies including both drugs and home remedies.

Step 2. Distribute copies of pages 40, 41 and 42 from "The Pocumtuc Housewife; A Guide to Domestic Cookery". Read pages together letting students share their reactions.

Step 3. Divide students into small groups and have them create a venn diagram to compare and contrast today's remedies with those of the past. Older students should include why these methods have changed.

Step 4. Reconvene students to share their ideas with the class. Have older students choose one sickness and write a paragraph to compare and contrast the remedies of today with those of the 1800s. Paragraph should include opinions as to why they think these changes have occurred.

Step 5. Discuss how the emphasis has changed to more preventative methods. Discuss basic prevention techniques (hand washing to quarantine).

Step 6. As an extension, students use the link www.grannymed.com to look up home remedies still used today. Students should compare and contrast at least one of the Domestic Cookery remedies to the remedies listed on the link.

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