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History Lessons By Teachers

Living at the Time of the First World War

Created 22 March 2010 by Alison Orzel

Grade Level(s): high school (10 - 12)
Historical Era(s): Two World Wars 1914 - 1945
Content Area(s): World History, US History

"Keep them smiling"- WWI broadside

WWI Cartoons

Page 1
WWI Message to Edward Roswell Wirt

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WWI letter to Emily Gladys Bartlett

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WWI letter to Emily Gladys Bartlett

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WWI letter to Emily Gladys Bartlett

"Allies, Arise!"

Thomas Williams Ashley (1894-1918)

Red Cross Volunteers

Summary and Objective

This activity will allow students to explore a number of primary sources in the digital collection of the American Centuries website from the time of the first World War. After their research, students will write a summary of their findings in order to answer the following question: "What was it like to live at the time of the first World War?"

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Ask students to locate each item attached to this lesson.

Step 2. Ask the students to examine the collection, have them take notes describing each primary source, give a detailed description, note any information they can learn about the time, viewpoints and personal impressions of the documents and objects.

Step 3. After exploring the collection, have a discussion about the different groups in society and how they may have experienced the First World War (for example, parents of soldiers, children, wives, female workers, soldiers, medical personnel).

Step 4. For homework, have the students write a one page description of how the collection has helped them understand life during the First World War.

Step 5. In class, have students read their papers and allow questions about their viewpoints to be asked.

Step 6. After sharing the readings, have a discussion about what other primary sources could help them to learn more about life during this time of a World War.

Step 7. Encourage students to access other Internet sources about the first World War. Have them examine photographs, diaries, newspaper articles and posters, painting, poems and songs from this time period.

Web Site: Trenches on the Web

Web Site: WWI Document Archive

Web Site: Recollections of War

Web Site: Lost Poets of the Great War
    http://www.emory.edu/ENGLISH/Lost Poets/index.html

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