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History Lessons By Teachers

Then and Now in the Town of Montague

Created 14 January 2008 by Gail Leblanc

Grade Level(s): upper elementary (4 - 6)
Historical Era(s): Progressive Era 1880 - 1914
Content Area(s): Mathematics, English Language Arts, Art, US History, Economics

The Bridge, Lake Pleasant, Mass.

William Russell House

Farren Memorial Hospital, Montague City, Mass.

Town Hall, Montague, Mass

Lower Suspension Bridge, Turners Falls, Mass.

"Making High Grade Tools for Industry Since 1868" Millers Falls Company ad from Greenfield Recorder-Gazette newspaper

Summary and Objective

Students will understand that photographs capture the changes that occur over time. After examining photographs of various locations in the town of Montague students will identify and record these locations through drawings or photography. Through small group discussion the students will chart comparisons and contrasts of their then and now pictures.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. The students will view the online photograph collection and discuss what location each photograph depicts.

Step 2. The students will then identify what village in the town of Montague each student is from to determine the group they will work with.

Step 3. Working in small village groups the students will make a list of the places identified.

Step 4. Each group of students will pick the photograph location that represents his/her village to recapture in the present.

Step 5. The students will draw or photograph their assigned location. A disposable camera will be supplied for each group of students.

Step 6. Working with their village group students wil record their comparisons and contrasts of their "then" photograph and their "now" picture.

Step 7. Each group of students will share their pictures and present their findings to the whole class.

Step 8. Once all of the groups have shared, each group will locate their village and mark the location of their photograph on a large map of the town of Montague.

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