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History Lessons By Teachers

To Live by the Golden Rule

Created by Amy Salinetti

Grade Level(s): lower elementary (K - 3)
Historical Era(s): New Nation 1750 - 1800, Expansion 1800 - 1860, Civil War Era 1860 - 1880, Progressive Era 1880 - 1914
Content Area(s): English Language Arts, Art, US History, Civics/Government

"Taking Tea"

"Learning to Sew"

Red Cross Volunteers

"Firing the Cannon"

"Spirit of the Wheat"

Summary and Objective

Students will understand that there are a set of rules, i.e. the constitution, that guide the people of the United States of America. They will be introduced to new vocabulary and view photographs of events in American history. Explanation of the photos followed by discussion about the pictures' content will engage the students in a meaningful way. Students will then be able to hypothesize about whether the rules are being followed.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Read aloud: "The Golden Rule" by Ilene Cooper.

Step 2. Discuss story. We follow the Golden Rule in our classroom; how is it working? Why is it important? Do you think everyone should follow the Golden Rule? Explain that we do have rules and rights in our families, classrooms, communities and, finally, in our country. Our country's rules are called the United States Constitution.

Step 3. Students will view the actual document of the Constitution (see link below) and understand that it is a very old document from 1787, which means rules have been around for a very long time.

Step 4. List, review, and/or explain important new vocabulary: 1.The Golden Rule 2. The Constitution 3. Rights 4. Freedom 5. Rules

Step 5. Students will observe several old photographs (from 1800s and 1900s) and have the explanation of each read to them. Then, in small group discussions, students will see if they can tell if the people are living by the rules. Students will have an opportunity to view and analyze photos from the PVMA American Centuries web site. In the first photo, Firing a Cannon, students would be asked: what do you see happening here? They would recognize the weapon and have some discussion about how weapons are harmful. Therefore, concluding that because weapons are dangerous they would not be treating others as they would want to be treated if they used this cannon. The next photo, Spirit of Wheat, is a beautiful depiction of a dance for a celebration. Students would be asked to look carefully at the costumes and the peoples' expressions. They would conclude that it was a celebration of some kind and that everyone looks happy, so the Golden Rule is being followed. More facts about the actual events may be helpful if the students are older. The next two photo images are Taking Tea and Learning to Sew. Kindergarten students would recognize these images as being ones that may have happened in the homes of the past among family members. Again viewing the peoples' expressions, costume, and setting would give clues to how they are feeling and if the Golden Rule of 'Treat others as you wish to be treated' was being lived up to. Lastly, the Red Cross photo would be recognizable as nurses and their job of helping people would lead students to conclude that they were living by the Golden Rule. Discussion about how nurses are the same or different today and drawing on the children's' own experiences will enrich the conversation and make the past more personal. Each photo may be one lesson/session all by itself or the students may work in groups and then share their discussion of the photo with the rest of the class. Photos will generate excitement and questions to further explore with your class.

Step 6. Students will assemble a class book entitled "The Kindergarten Constitution" where the rules of the classroom will be stated. Each student will illustrate a picture of themselves in a situation where they are following the Golden Rule.

Step 7. After reading "The Kindergarten Constitution" class book, students may choose to act out the scenario of themselves following the Golden Rule and being a good citizen.

Web Site: United States Constitution

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