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History Lessons By Teachers

Toys and Games Now and Then

Created by Rebecca Conroy

Grade Level(s): upper elementary (4 - 6)
Historical Era(s): Expansion 1800 - 1860, Civil War Era 1860 - 1880, Progressive Era 1880 - 1914, Two World Wars 1914 - 1945
Content Area(s): English Language Arts, US History

World War I Toys

Mary, Mabel and Frank Colcord

"The Quirlicut Company" Puzzle

Toy Tea Set

Toy Train

Red Ryder Toy Rifle and Book

Doll "Chloe"

Toy Kitchen Range

WWI Toy Ambulance with Figures

Boy in a Skeleton Suit



Game of Checkers

Summary and Objective

The children will learn about the differences between their play activities and toys versus the children of yesteryear (specifically prior to the 1950's.) This will be done by examining pictures of old games and toys and comparing them to those of the modern day. Students will understand that there is a vast difference between toys in earlier times versus toys today.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Each student will make a list of 15-20 toys/games they possess.

Step 2. As a whole group, we will discuss the lists and the idea that today's children have an abundance of "playthings." I will have the children imagine what it would be like to own only half of the items on their list or even, perhaps, only one of those items. We will discuss which one item they would choose, what it would be like to have only one or two items, and what alternative types of entertainment they could come up with.

Step 3. The students will examine the photos and read the captions from the digital collection. They will be asked to note the simplicity of the toys and games, and to think about what interest they would have in playing with and owning ONLY one or two of these items as their whole collection of playthings.

Step 4. In small groups, the children will have time to discuss their veiwing notes of the digital collection and to create a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast their original lists from step 1 to the information examined in the digital collection.

Step 5. Each student will write a compare and contrast statement consisting of at least four paragraphs telling what is the same and different about toys/games of modern versus long ago.

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