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History Lessons By Teachers

Patriotic Symbols during the Civil War

Created 30 August 2002 by Jason Smith

Grade Level(s): middle school (7 - 9), high school (10 - 12)
Historical Era(s): Civil War Era 1860 - 1880, New Nation 1750 - 1800
Content Area(s): English Language Arts, Art, US History

Page 41
Civil War Patriotic Covers or Envelopes

Summary and Objective

The goal of this activity is for the student to analyze and discuss patriotic symbols. In this case the symbols are from the Civil War era, a time of national crisis. What images or themes did people turn to at that time? Why do particular images hold power through the ages? This important discussion will help students better understand our national identity during the Civil War and will also connect with the present as we have seen a recent resurgence in patriotism in America. Students will recognize that images, ideas, and people used to represent national pride are, and perhaps always have been, open to debate and discussion.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. In class discussion, ask students to define patriotism.

Step 2. Direct students to the American Centuries website and click on the "In the Classroom" icon.

Step 3. Have students conduct a search for items from the Civil War era, 1850-1880.

Step 4. Have students locate and click on "Civil War Patriotic Covers and Envelopes." Students should use the Look Closer icon to view the images in detail.

Step 5. Students should identify and record images and ideas used to convey patriotism during the Civil War.

Step 6. Discuss the images and themes as a class. Guiding question: Why would these particular images be thought of as patriotic during the time of the Civil War?

Step 7. Discuss current patriotic symbols and compare them with those from the on-line documents.

Step 8. Extension activity: Students could create their own patriotic image for the Civil War era. Students should conduct further research for historical accuracy.

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