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History Lessons By Teachers

The Quabbin: How It Began

Created 14 May 2009 by Johanna Keefe

Grade Level(s): lower elementary (K - 3)
Historical Era(s): Two World Wars 1914 - 1945
Content Area(s): English Language Arts, US History

"Quabbin Reservoir Water Starts Flowing" article from Quabbin Reservoir scrapbook

"Old Buildings are Moved out of Quabbin Area" article from scrapbook on Quabbin Reservoir

"An Atlas of the Quabbin Valley Past and Present"

Summary and Objective

Students will understand that progress and population growth often has a human cost. They will use picture books, American Centuries Web Site and written histories of the towns of the Quabbin Valley to prompt discussions about the cost and value of the Quabbin Reservoir. They will also understand the value of using personal histories in evaluating historical events.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Students will listen to the story Letting Swift River Go by Jane Yolen.

Step 2. Class will view article on Old Buildings Being Moved Out Of Quabbin Area. What is familiar about these buildings? How like you own hometown do you think these communities were?

Step 3. Read excerpts of An Atlas of the Quabbin Valley Past and Present. Compare the towns of the Quabbin Valley to your town.

Step 4. In small groups, students will discuss: How is life in the Quabbin Valley towns similar to life in your town? How is it different?

Step 5. As a class, create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the Quabbin Valley towns to your hometown. Discuss what effects the flooding of their valley had on the families of these towns. What would it be like to lose your hometown? What would you miss? What might be exciting?

Step 6. Culminating Activity: Writing Assignment-What town building would you save and why?

Step 7. Post-Activity: Read When I was Young in the Mountains by Cynthia Rylant. Compare and contrast the young character's life to yours. Create a classroom book When I was Young in ____________________.

Step 8. For further information.

Web Site: Enfield, MA

Web Site: Other TVA projects

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