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History Lessons By Teachers

Business Life in a New England Town- 1870

Created 20 May 2009 by Harriet Kulig

Grade Level(s): middle school (7 - 9), high school (10 - 12)
Historical Era(s): Civil War Era 1860 - 1880
Content Area(s): US History, Geography, Economics


Summary and Objective

Through the exploration of an 1870 map of Athol Ma., students will understand that small towns in New England had a vibrant business district with a variety of services and manufacturing. In order to complete this activity, students will need access to a computer and the American Centuries website to view the map of Athol. Alternately, the teacher may project the map on to the wall. Regardless of your choice, the use of the “look closer” button is key in achieving an up close view of the map. In addition, after completing this activity, you may wish to contact your local historical society to locate similar maps of your own community.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Brain storm activity: Based on a previous discussion of post Civil War economics, students will list the types of businesses that they think they would find in a New England town in 1870. The teacher will make a list of the business and lead a whole group discussion about the brainstorm.

Step 2. Students will begin this activity by exploring the map of Athol on "The American Centuries" website. Students will note where the largest area of settlement is located and offer their assessment of why people settled in this location. Students will also assess how the landforms and waterways affected this choice.

Step 3. Students will examine the “Athol Business Notices” on the map of Athol. Students will use the "looking closer" feature on the website to assist them with this task. Students will make an outline of businesses in Athol using the following titles: manufacturing, retail, service, professional, and agriculture.

Step 4. The teacher will lead a whole group discussion about the types and number of businesses that students found on the map in step 3. The tachers may use the following questions to begin and guide the discussion. In your opinion, which type of business was most important to the success of the community? Why? Were the business in Athol interconnected? Why? In what way were the business dependent upon each other? Give examples. Where did the raw materials used in manufacturing come from? Who bought the finished goods?

Step 5. As a homework assignment, or a follow up activity completed during the next class period, students will use images (computer generated, hand drawn, or cut out of magazines) to create a collage that displays the variety of business in Athol.

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