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History Lessons By Teachers

Personal Salvation: Roots of Evangelicalism

Created 05 June 2009 by Robert Frye

Grade Level(s): high school (10 - 12)
Historical Era(s): Expansion 1800 - 1860
Content Area(s): US History

"Call for more Missionaries" article from the Franklin Herald newspaper

"Revival in Pittsfield" article from the Franklin Herald newspaper

"Bible of the Papists" article from the Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald

"Sermons, No. II- How To Change Your Heart"

Camp Meeting Residence

Summary and Objective

Students will understand that the Protestant bias against Roman Catholicism and the evangelical spirit grew out of the movement known as the "Second Great Awakening".

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Students will be presented with and/or read background information on the "Second Great Awakening" : http://www.teachushistory.org/second-great-awakening-age-reform , and the first amendment clause on freedom of religion.

Step 2. Watch the 1/22/08 video clip of Jim Wallis. Ask students if religion plays a role in American government and/or social movements today.

Step 3. Students will individualy examine the sources attached to this lesson.

Step 4. Students will be paired up to answer the following questions: 1. What is the feeling of the newspaper articles? 2. Do they read like the work is important or urgent? 3. What role does relgion play in social justice movements past and present? 4. Is there an unofficial "official" religion in the U.S.? 5. Is religion a "new" force in U.S. history? 6. Were certain religious denominations discriminated against in the U.S.? 7. How can you infer non-Christian religions were treated? 8. Although the photograph "camp meeting residence" is from 1905, what does that tell us about the Second Great Awakening?

Step 5. Bring students back together and initiate a discussion of the answers the groups came up with.

Step 6. Close with a writing activity evaluation: Write a paragraph or two answering this question: What have been the positive and negative contributions of religion in the U.S.?

Web Site: Background

Web Site: Daily Show : Jim Wallis

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