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History Lessons By Teachers

The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

Created by Carol Tafel

Grade Level(s): lower elementary (K - 3)
Historical Era(s): New Nation 1750 - 1800
Content Area(s): US History, Geography

Engraving "The Bloody Massacre perpetrated on King Street, Boston on March 5th, 1770"

"Bloody Butchery, By The British Troops; Or The Runaway Fight Of The Regulars"

Summary and Objective

Students will understand that Paul Revere's ride was an important event at the beginning of the American Revolution. Students will begin to understand the significance of Paul Revere's ride to warn the colonists of the British Army's march on Lexington and Concord. Students will become familiar with sites associated with Paul Revere and his ride, and will map Paul Revere's ride from Boston to Lexington.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Show 1 or more images of Paul Revere's ride. Ask the students to turn to a partner and share their ideas about the following: Who do you think this person is? Did this person live long ago or in the present? What seems to be happening in the picture? Ask children to share their ideas.

Step 2. Read the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere (picture book) to the children. Discuss after reading.

Step 3. Show images of Paul Revere (the silversmith), Paul Revere's ride, Old North Church, the Paul Revere House, a bell made by Paul Revere, and Paul Revere's engravings. Discuss the images, and ask children what they can tell about Paul Revere from these images. (Many images of Paul Revere can be found on google images.)

Step 4. Students map the route of Paul Revere's ride from Boston to Lexington. Show the students images of places along the route. The Paul Revere House website (listed below) has a map showing the route of the midnight ride. Click on "The Midnight Ride" (Learn More); then click on "Virtual Midnight Ride". Appropriate maps can also be found at the following: http:/www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/historical/boston_concord_1775.jps http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/cizi/map_midnight.gif

Step 5. Ask students to brainstorm and share what they have learned about Paul Revere. List facts about Paul Revere on a chart.

Step 6. Students will create a broadside illustrating Paul Revere's ride. The broadside should include a title, one or more illustrations, and at least 5 facts about Paul Revere's ride. Show students the broadside "Bloody Butchery, by The British Troops; Or The Runaway Fight Of The Regulars" as an example.

Web Site: Paul Revere House, Boston, MA

Web Site: Old North Church, Boston, MA

Web Site: Minuteman National Park, MA

Web Site: The American Revolution

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