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History Lessons By Teachers

Greek and Roman Influence on America

Created 14 May 2009 by Randall Furash-Stewart

Grade Level(s): middle school (7 - 9)
Historical Era(s): Beginnings to 1600, Colonial 1600 - 1750, New Nation 1750 - 1800, Expansion 1800 - 1860, Civil War Era 1860 - 1880, Progressive Era 1880 - 1914, Two World Wars 1914 - 1945, Contemporary Era 1945 to present
Content Area(s): World History, Art, US History

Phelps mourning embroidery

"Spirit of Religion Leading the Puritans"


Greenfield Public Library

Field Memorial Library

Greenfield, Mass. Soldiers Monument and Second Congregational Church

"The Youth's Companion World Fair"

Embroidered Dress

Washington Memorial

Town Hall

Rowland Stebbins (1794-1848)

Summary and Objective

Students will understand that cultural aspects of Ancient Greece and Rome have affected our society in the United States. They will identify features of Greek and Roman culture and compare them with features of American culture. They will then draw conclusions about what Ancient Greece and Rome have represented in America.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Using a projector attached to a computer, show the students pictures from the websites listed below of Greek and Roman dress, art, and architecture. If no projector is available, you can print the pictures out to show to students. Have students describe the overall style of these cultural features (Robes, women dancing, black silhouettes against a lighter background, and columns, to name a few).

Step 2. Have students look at the images on the left side of this page (all together, or with copies or individual computers) and have them answer the following questions about the dress, each painting, and all of the buildings: What does it have in common with Greek and Roman Styles? When was it made? For what purpose? Why would people use this style at that time for that purpose?

Step 3. Discuss what Ancient Greece and Rome have represented in America based on their findings (ex. knowledge, learning, sophistication, refinement).

Step 4. Have students think of representations they see of these styles around them today. Where do they see these styles in their own lives and neighborhoods? What do they represent?

Web Site: Ancient Roman Dress

Web Site: Clothing and Art of Ancient Greece

Web Site: Greek & Roman Art & Architecture

Web Site: Greek and Roman Art

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