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History Lessons By Teachers

Toys for Children Past and Present

Created by Diana Lyman

Grade Level(s): lower elementary (K - 3)
Historical Era(s): Expansion 1800 - 1860, Civil War Era 1860 - 1880, Progressive Era 1880 - 1914
Content Area(s): Mathematics, English Language Arts, US History

"The Quirlicut Company" Puzzle


Croquet on Roots' Lawn

Little Girl and Doll at a "Tea Party"

Game of Checkers

Noah's Ark

Corn Husk Doll

Doll "Lilla"


Doll "Diana"

Summary and Objective

Students will understand that toys and games used during the 19th century have similarities and differences to their current-day counterparts. They will closely examine a variety of toys from the 19th century, write down observations and reflect about the entertainment value of each toy.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. In preparation for this lesson, the teacher will print out two copies of each of the ten toys. The teacher will tape a row of toys across the blackboard.

Step 2. Students will work in pairs and select one toy from the collection to closely examine.

Step 3. Students will try to determine what the toy was made of and decide who might have played with it. What gender played with the toy? What age? Was it played by an individual or a group of children ? Was it safe to play with ? Is there any toy that is similar to it today ? Would children today enjoy this type of toy ?

Step 4. The children will reflect upon the questions in Step Three and write a paragraph about their observations and conclusions.

Step 5. Each pair of students will be allowed five minutes to share their findings with the others in the class. They are not yet allowed to show the picture of their toy to the class.

Step 6. Members of the class will try to guess which toy was presented. They should explain why they selected a particular toy from the row.

Step 7. Each pair of students will now divulge which particular toy they researched. Students will discuss whether or not this toy would be popular today. Is there a similar toy available today ?

Step 8. After all the students have presented, each student will make a tally mark on the chalkboard below their favorite toy from the past. Students will make a line plot to show which toys were most popular. Examine the line plot and as a class, report the data.

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