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History Lessons By Teachers

The Constitution and Shays Influence

Created by Sandra Blasioli

Grade Level(s): middle school (7 - 9)
Historical Era(s): New Nation 1750 - 1800
Content Area(s): English Language Arts, US History, Civics/Government

"Remarks and Observations" by Justin Hitchcock

Convention at Hatfield article in the Hampshire Gazette

Letter from Daniel Shays printed in the Hampshire Gazette

"Pegasus of Apollo" from "The Worcester Magazine"

Newspaper article from the Hampshire Gazette regarding the court

"From the Worcester Magazine" article in Hampshire Gazette on Shays' Rebellion insurgents

Delegates of Philadelphia Convention article from the Hampshire Gazette newspaper

Letter to Governor James Bowdoin published in the Hampshire Gazette

"List of Grievances" poem published in the Hampshire Gazette newspaper.

Poem on Shays' Rebellion from The New-Haven Gazette and The Connecticut Magazine newspaper

Proclamation regarding Shays' Rebellion

"A Crostick" poem published in the Hampshire Gazette

"Ratification of the Federal Constitution by Massachusetts" published in the Hampshire Gazette

Extract on George Washington's farm, and state of America article published in the Hampshire Gazette

Page 1
Journal of Sarah Howe on Shays' Rebellion

Page 1
Toasts for Independence

Summary and Objective

Through the use of primary sources, students will understand that Massachusetts writers used Shays Rebellion not only to inform citizens of current events but also to influence them to consider and/or accept a change in the current government, The Articles of Confederation. Based on these readings and previously learned material, students will create a time line of events to assist them in writing a persuasive paragraph to convince the voters of Massachusetts to accept or reject the new government.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Students will have had previous instruction concerning Shays Rebellion, The Articles of Confederation, and how to write a persuasive paragraph.

Step 2. Students will read the primary sources attached to this activity, choose the ones(at least 3-4) they wish to use as sources, and then take notes on the ones they chose to assist them with their time line and persuasive paragraph.

Step 3. Using these sources and previously learned material, students will create a time line of events from Shays Rebellion to the new Constitution. (5-8 events to give them a sense of order)

Step 4. Students will use their time lines and the attached primary sources,of their choosing, to write a persuasive paragraph convincing their audience(Massachusetts citizens) to accept or reject the new constitution.

Step 5. Students will edit, revise, and check the accuracy of their paragraphs.

Step 6. Students will then take their revised copy and create a final paragraph to attach to their time line for completion of this assignment.

Web Site: Shays Rebellion(1786-87) and the Constitution

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