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History Lessons By Teachers

Thanksgiving 1621, Thanksgiving present day

Created 20 May 2010 by Stephen McCabe

Grade Level(s): middle school (7 - 9)
Historical Era(s): Colonial 1600 - 1750, New Nation 1750 - 1800, Contemporary Era 1945 to present
Content Area(s): US History

"Thanksgiving Assembly"

Summary and Objective

Students will understand that there were cultural differences between Native American and European culture in Colonial America by exploring the history of Thanksgiving through the use of original documents, photographs and paintings of the First Thanksgiving in 1621 and will reflect an understanding of the true meaning of Thanksgiving in present day America by creating a Thanksgiving poem, letter, song or invitation, recognizing this could be considered an early 21st Century primary source sometime far in the future, that describes what they are thankful for today.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. The teacher will review the historical facts surrounding the departure of the “Mayflower” in 1620 from Plymouth, England and the devastating results of the Pilgrim’s arrival, so late in the year, in America on November 10, 1620.

Step 2. The teacher will review the historical facts of Squanto’s visit to Plymouth, Massachusetts on March 16, 1621 and discuss Native American methods of cultivating their major crops including the benefits of planting the “3 sisters”, corn, beans and squash.

Step 3. Students will review the historical background of the famous Native American, Squanto, by referring to the Squanto Web site to enhance cultural understandings and differences between Native Americans and Europeans. Students will explore Squanto’s motivations relating to his interaction with European settlers.

Step 4. Students will discuss Pilgrim Governor William Bradford’s proclamation of “A Day of Thanksgiving” and the subsequent interaction during the “First Thanksgiving” between the settlers and Native Americans during the 3 day celebration. Students will read and discuss Edward Winslow’s, “Mourts Relation” and William Bradford’s, “Of Plymouth Plantation”, at the Pilgrim Thanksgiving Web site and discuss their implications.

Step 5. Students will discuss the Pilgrim’s third harvest and how the meaning of Thanksgiving changed from a celebration to a religious holiday by referring to the Pilgrim Thanksgiving site, Edward Winslow’s, “The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth by Brownscombe”, quotes and paintings, reflecting the nature of the celebration and the way its depiction has changed over time designating the country as “European”, born of adversity in the wilderness.

Step 6. Students will review George Washington’s “Proclamation of National Thanksgiving”, 1789, as a primary document, and discuss its religious overtones. *Teacher will note the date did not become official until Abraham Lincoln’s Proclamation of 1863. Students will explore why Lincoln might have chosen that date to declare a National Day of Thanksgiving.

Step 7. Students will review “Thanksgiving Assembly”, and discuss the changing nature and meaning of Thanksgiving in America from 1621 to modern day. Students will list ways people celebrate Thanksgiving today. Students will create a Thanksgiving poem, letter, invitation or song that expresses their personal feelings regarding the meaning of Thanksgiving. Students will understand their writing may someday in the future be considered a primary source reflecting how Thanksgiving might have been celebrated in the early 21st Century.

Web Site: Squanto: Friend of the Pilgrims

Web Site: Pilgrim Thanksgiving: The third harvest

Web Site: George Washington's Proclamation

Web Site: Primary Sources for The First Thanksgiving at Plimoth

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