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History Lessons By Teachers

Geography & the Study of Education in Expansionist America

Created 11 March 2011 by Harriet Kulig

Grade Level(s): middle school (7 - 9), high school (10 - 12)
Historical Era(s): Expansion 1800 - 1860
Content Area(s): US History, Geography

Title page
"Universal Geography, Ancient and Modern: Comparison and Classification"

Title page
"A Practical System of Modern Geography: or View of the Present State of the World."

Title page
"Rudiments of Geography"

Title page
"A Practical System of Modern Geography"

Title page
"Geography Made Easy"

Summary and Objective

Students will understand that education in the United States during the expansionist period included the study of geography, and that the topics studied in geography reflected the areas of interest and need in business, government, and society.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Brainstorm activity - Students will make a list of topics studied in geography today and how these topics reflect today's world. The teacher will lead a whole group discussion about the brainstorm.

Step 2. Students will work in groups of three to five students. Each group of students will examine one text that is attached to the lesson. The teacher will demonstrate how to use the “look closer” icon.

Step 3. Discovery activity - Each group of students will examine the title page of one geography text. Students then will make a list of topics covered (religion, government) and any special features (atlas) available in the text.

Step 4. The teacher will lead a whole group discussion about the discovery activity. Students will note the number of texts that offer specific topics (i.e. religion, government) and features (atlas). They will also add to their list of topics and features.

Step 5. Students will create a venn diagram comparing topics studied in the first half of the 19th century and those of today.

Step 6. Concluding activity - Students will use their list of topics and features to write a paragraph answering the following prompt. Explain how the topics studied in geography between 1800 & 1850 reflected areas of interest/need in business, government, and society. Example: The study of canals reflects the interest of business and citizens in the discovery of a way to move goods and people more quickly and at a lower cost.

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