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History Lessons By Teachers

The Boston Tea Party

Created by Carol Tafel

Grade Level(s): lower elementary (K - 3)
Historical Era(s): New Nation 1750 - 1800
Content Area(s): Art, US History, Economics, Civics/Government

Boston Tea Party Report

Tea kettle

"Proclamation For Proroguing the General Court"

Summary and Objective

Students will understand that the Boston Tea Party was a significant event and a prelude to the American Revolution by listening to a first person historical monologue detailing the event and the reasons behind it, engaging in a discussion with the "visitor from the past", and examining images of the event. Students will demonstrate their understanding of the Boston Tea Party by creating a broadside about the event.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Using the first person accounts on The Boston Tea Party Historical Society website (see address below), create a historical first person monologue describing the Boston Tea Party; or choose one or more of the first person accounts from The Boston Tea Party Historical Society site to read to the students. Explain the reasons the Sons of Liberty engaged in this protest and provide insight into the economic situation and government of the time.

Step 2. Engage the students by asking them to examine images of the Boston Tea Party. Ask the students the following questions: What do you think is happening in these pictures? What do you see/notice? Read the Boston Tea Party report and view the tea kettle from the online collection. Ask the following questions: What do you think this is? How is this related to the Boston Tea Party? Why is this important?

Step 3. Play the colonial song "For the Ladies". (The song "For the Ladies" can be found on the CD "Homespun Songs of the Patriots in the American Revolution" by Bobby Horton.) View the lyrics to the song Young Ladies in Town/Address to the Ladies (see website below). What is being asked of the ladies. Why? What does this address have to do with the Boston Tea Party?

Step 4. Display the broadside "Proclamation for Poroguing the General Court". Explain the purpose of the broadside in colonial times.

Step 5. Students will create a broadside about the Boston Tea Party. The broadside should include a headline, an illustration, and a short narrative describing the event.

Web Site: The Boston Tea Party Historical Society

Web Site: Boston Tea Party Ship and Museum

Web Site: The Boston Tea Party, 1773--eyewitness account

Web Site: Young Ladies in Town (Address to the Ladies)

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