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History Lessons By Teachers

Why Embroider?

Created by Leanne Lovell

Grade Level(s): lower elementary (K - 3), upper elementary (4 - 6)
Historical Era(s): Expansion 1800 - 1860, Civil War Era 1860 - 1880, Progressive Era 1880 - 1914
Content Area(s): Art, US History

"Grape Arbor"

Three Panel Screen Embroidered with Trees

Phelps mourning embroidery

Deerfield Society of Blue and White Needlework


Hoyt family register

"Deerfield Society of Blue and White Needlework"

Wallhanging-Two Red Roses Across the Moon

Wallhanging-Rose Tree

Embroidery of Mount Vernon

"The Shepherdess of the Alps" embroidery


Summary and Objective

The students will be guided to understand that the artwork was created for a variety of means, including to record family members, family deaths, for art exhibits, decoration, inspirations from poetry, and clothing embellishment.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. The teacher will lead a discussion of a general introduction to the art of embroidery with the students to include: an explanation of what embroidery is, how embroidery is made, what types of materials are used, which students or families use embroidery and what skills are needed to embroider.

Step 2. The teacher will ask the students the question, "What is this a picture of" as they view the online collection together. The teacher will assist to read the descriptions of the items. The teacher will guide the students by asking why they believe each piece was created, what was the intent of the piece?

Step 3. The teacher will read and review the information in the online collection regarding the Deerfield Society of Blue and White Needlework. He/she should clarify why the society was formed and what kind of work they produced. The students will also identify the embroidery they've already seen that was created by the Blue and White Society.

Step 4. The students will brainstorm their own reason to create an embroidered piece of work and sketch their idea using colored pencils and white paper.

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