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History Lessons By Teachers

Quilts and Geometry

Created by Sharon Brower

Grade Level(s): lower elementary (K - 3), upper elementary (4 - 6)
Historical Era(s): Colonial 1600 - 1750, New Nation 1750 - 1800
Content Area(s): Mathematics, English Language Arts, Art, US History

Sunburst and stars album quilt

Mosaic or Honeycomb Quilt

Rising Star Quilt

Crazy Quilt with Netted Border

Summary and Objective

Students will understand that quilts serve purposes other than to keep us warm. Students will examine quilts to appreciate the design as well as to try and figure out the stories they tell. Quilt squares show special event in people's lives, they are an important way to document these events. Students will create a quilt square to tell something about themselves. The activity will integrate the historical aspects of quilting with our current curriculum.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Pre-activities: Discuss students' prior knowledge of quilts. Talk about the various uses of a quilt. Compare and contrast a quilt to a blanket.

Step 2. Read "The Patchwork Quilt" and "Tanya's Reunion" by Valerie Flournoy. View the qyilts from the digital collection on the American Centuries website, as well as actual quilts brought in. Think about what possible stories and uses these quilts might have had. Discuss and then write about them.

Step 3. Brainstorm important events in their lives that they might want to have in a quilt. They will make it into a quilt square at the end of unit.

Step 4. Following the math lessons dealing with geometric shapes students will design a quilt square using paper and glue stick.

Step 5. After paper squares are finished, students will write about the event depicted in their square.

Step 6. Post Activity: Students will recreate their square using pieces of material instead of paper and a needle and thread instead of glue.

Step 7. When the quilt square is complete the student will decide if they want to frame it or make it into a pillow.

Step 8.

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