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History Lessons By Teachers

Toys through Time

Created by Mary Boehmer

Grade Level(s): lower elementary (K - 3)
Historical Era(s): Colonial 1600 - 1750, Contemporary Era 1945 to present
Content Area(s): Art, US History, Economics


Bangwell Putt rag doll

Toy Tea Set


Bowling pins

Summary and Objective

Students will understand that the materials used to make children's toys have changed through time based on technological advancements by comparing items from the American Centuries Digital Collection with items from current toy catalogs.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Pre-teach information on the materials available to colonial toymakers and materials for contemporary toymakers.

Step 2. View items attached to this lesson along with contemporary photos from toy catalogs. View colonial toys at the "History Lives" and "Colonial Games, Toys and Recreation" websites.

Step 3. Have students brainstorm answers to questions: what do you notice about colonial toys? Contemporary toys? What's the same? What is different? What do you think this is made of? How can you tell what it's made of? Which do you think will last longer? Why/why not?

Step 4. Have students cut out pictures of both colonial and contemporary toys. Mix up and put them into categories: colonial/contemporary

Step 5. Bring in replica colonial and contemporary toys for "hands-on" comparisons.

Step 6. Have students create a large timeline on the floor and place their cutout pictures on the timeline from colonial to present-day.

Step 7. Students explain why they put their pictures in the colonial section of the timeline and present-day section.

Step 8. Students share thoughts about colonial toys and how toys have changed (or not) when made with modern materials.

Web Site: Contemporary Toys

Web Site: History Lives

Web Site: Colonial Games, Toys and Recreation

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