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History Lessons By Teachers

Make a Silhouette Portrait

Created 19 August 2002 by Roberta Milner

Grade Level(s): lower elementary (K - 3), upper elementary (4 - 6)
Historical Era(s): Beginnings to 1600, Colonial 1600 - 1750, New Nation 1750 - 1800, Expansion 1800 - 1860, Civil War Era 1860 - 1880
Content Area(s): English Language Arts, Art, US History

Silhouette of John Foster Stearns (1788-1872)

Silhouette of Caroline Stebbins Sheldon (1789-1865)

Silhouette of Persis Sheldon (1785-1804)

Silhouette of Deacon Justin Hitchcock (1752-1822)

Summary and Objective

Through the ages, people have found ways to record images of important family members. Before cameras, this was done by drawing or painting portraits, or making silhouettes. In this lesson, students will see examples of each from the American Centuries web site and create their own silhouette.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Read If You Lived in Colonial Times by Ann McGovern to give students a feel for life in Colonial times.

Step 2. Discuss differences and similarities to life in present times. How do we know what life was like back then? Did the people take pictures and make videos? How do we know what people looked like? We have artifacts, paintings, and silhouettes to teach us about the people and their lives.

Step 3. View the paintings and silhouettes from the American Centuries web site. Discuss.

Step 4. Have each student make a silhouette portrait. Have student sit on a chair sideways to the paper. Place a light so that it shines on the student's profile and casts a shadow on the paper. Trace the profile on the paper. This can be painted or cut out. It can then be placed on black construction paper and cut out. Glue the black silhouette onto white paper. Make a frame.

Step 5. Display the silhouettes on the wall with or without labels.

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