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History Lessons By Teachers

Musket comparison

Created 02 June 2003 by Robert Hinds

Grade Level(s): middle school (7 - 9)
Historical Era(s): New Nation 1750 - 1800, Expansion 1800 - 1860, Civil War Era 1860 - 1880
Content Area(s): English Language Arts, US History, Science

Springfield percussion musket

Brown Bess flintlock musket

Flintlock Musket

Summary and Objective

By analyzing changes in musket technology from the Revolutionary through Civil War eras, students will understand that learning about objects used in historical events can provide a more complete understanding of the events themselves.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Have the students print out the digital collection images of the muskets.

Step 2. Have the students, in small groups of 2-3, research each type of musket, using the accompanying item labels as well as other library and Internet sources (including the links below). Students should note information about the various parts of the muskets, their sizes, accuracy and loading methods.

Step 3. Each student will summarize the information learned in essay form.

Step 4. Optional post-activity: Take a field trip to the Springfield Armory National Historic Site, if possible (see link below).

Web Site: Rifle Muskets and Handguns

Web Site: Springfield Armory National Historic Site

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