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History Lessons By Teachers

The Civil War Draft

Created 23 February 2010 by Robert Ross

Grade Level(s): middle school (7 - 9)
Historical Era(s): Civil War Era 1860 - 1880
Content Area(s): US History, Civics/Government

Draft cylinder

Summary and Objective

Students will learn about the Civil War draft, focusing on the draft instituted by President Lincoln in 1863, to understand its origins, purposes. There was much opposition to the Civil War draft of l863 just as there was during the Vietnam War draft . This lesson will also compare the draft during both wars.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Have students look at the picture of the Civil War draft cylinder in the American Centuries web site digital collection (without reading the accompanying label).

Step 2. Have students write down their impressions and thoughts of how this object might have been used.

Step 3. Conduct a brief discussion about the military draft in general. Do we have a draft today?

Step 4. Have students read the accompanying label for the draft cylinder and the "Conscription" article in the link below. Have them hypothesize as to reasons why President Lincoln instituted the draft in 1863.

Step 5. Read articles about the New York draft riots.

Step 6. Compare the draft lottery of 1863 to the Vietnam lottery of 1970.

Web Site: Conscription (Military Draft) In The Civil War

Web Site: New York Draft Riots (July 11-13, 1863)

Web Site: Background Essay on New York City and the Civil War in 186

Web Site: The Vietnam Lotteries

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