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History Lessons By Teachers

Getting your bearings! HANDS ON 1704!

Created by Richard Rockstroh

Grade Level(s): upper elementary (4 - 6), middle school (7 - 9), high school (10 - 12)
Historical Era(s): Colonial 1600 - 1750
Content Area(s): Art, US History, Geography

Title page
"The Redeemed Captive Returning to Zion"

"What befell Stephen Williams in his captivity"

Summary and Objective

Through reading selections from “The Redeemed Captive Returning to Zion” and "What befell Stephen Williams in his captivity," and visiting the web site “Raid on Deerfield: The Many Stories of 1704,” students will understand that the 1704 raid on Deerfield was a multi-cultural historical event. By creating dioramas of scenes from this event, students will gain the opportunity to visualize the raid and present art work representing a multi-cultural perspective.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Students are given "The Redeemed Captive returning to Zion" (pages 6 - 10) and "What befell Stephen Williams in his captivity" (pages 1 - 4) to read for homework (or you may want to read these to the class, with younger students). Have the class discuss the background of the two people who wrote the sources. They represent the view of one group (English) present during the raid, and many groups were present. Refer students to the link below on 1704 for a larger context from which one can view the raid.

Step 2. Students are divided into pairs. Each pair finds one particular scene from the readings that interests them.

Step 3. Students then visit the web site, "Raid on Deerfield: The Many Stories of 1704" to compare and contrast their initial view of the raid, with the more comprehensive portrayals presented here.

Step 4. Students construct a diorama of their particular scene. Historical accuracy should be a critical component of their work (referring to the "1704" web site for accurate illustrations of houses or Native dress, for example).

Step 5. Students present their diorama to the rest of the class.

Step 6. Optional post-activity: The teacher takes photos of each diorama and puts them into a PowerPoint presentation. Students who created that particular scene would read the related section from the primary source, and this would be recorded to run with the PowerPoint display.

Web Site: Raid on Deerfield: The Many Stories of 1704

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