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History Lessons By Teachers


Created 10 August 2004 by Rebecca Gutierrez

Grade Level(s): upper elementary (4 - 6)
Historical Era(s): Colonial 1600 - 1750
Content Area(s): English Language Arts, Art, US History

Page 1
"Deerfield Massacre And Burning of 200 Years Ago Early In Queen Anne's War"

Title page
"The History of New England.."

"Picturesque Franklin"

Mt. Sugarloaf showing King Philip's Seat

"Sugarloaf from Meadows"/ "Millriver Plains"

Summary and Objective

Students working in groups will utilize research skills to learn about a legend that is assigned. Students will understand that legends develop within a culture to provide identity for that group of people. Students create a teaching tool to present their knowledge to the class.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Preactivity - Brainstorm what a legend is. Discuss how a legend is created, what the purpose of a legend is and how they are maintained. Discuss how legends are traditional stories that are often unathenticated but also help a culture have an identity; they are handed down through generations.

Step 2. Divide the class into groups to research a legend. Suggested legends are Beaver Hill legend(website: Native American Legend of the Giant Beaver), King Philips legend, Origin of Corn legend(website: How Corn Came to the Earth), Legend from Hawley, Legend of the Bell and the legend of murdering a Native American.

Step 3. Students will research the assigned legend using the American Centuries website to become experts on their legend. When using the "Picturesque Franklin", use pages 5, 78 and 106, for the "Deerfield Massacre and Burning of 200 years..." use page 8. When referring to "History of New England" pull down page 28.

Step 4. Students will create a presentation to teach their legend to the class using the information from the website. Students work together in groups to decide how they prefer to present the information. Some suggestions for this would be a power point presentation, a poster, an oral presentation with handouts, websites on the internet to explore in order to teach or become a storyteller.

Web Site: Native American Legend of the Giant Beaver

Web Site: How Corn Came to the Earth

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