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History Lessons By Teachers

Links to the Past

Created 19 May 2004 by Lori Garon

Grade Level(s): lower elementary (K - 3), upper elementary (4 - 6)
Historical Era(s): Expansion 1800 - 1860, Civil War Era 1860 - 1880, Colonial 1600 - 1750, New Nation 1750 - 1800
Content Area(s): US History, English Language Arts, Art


Bake Kettle

Great chair

Bangwell Putt rag doll

Embroidered pocket

Wooden Tankard


Great Wheel

Burl bowl

Neck Yoke

Egg crate

The Planet Dust Beater

Summary and Objective

In this activity, students will compare and contrast common items from the past with items used today. The goal of this activity is for students to become more familiar with the American Centuries web site and artifacts of the past. After completing this activity, students will understand that artifacts teach us about life in the past...and have a link to the present.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Pre-Activity: Using the American Centuries web site, the teacher will print selected artifacts of daily use from different time periods.

Step 2. Students will work in pairs. Each pair of students will be given a different artifact photo. Students will guess the name and possible use of the artifact.

Step 3. Students will research their items using the American Centuries web site. They will look for information such as: artifact name, its use, people who may have used the artifact, materials from which made, time period, and other interesting facts.

Step 4. Students will either draw or find pictures(in magazines or online) of the modern day counterparts to their artifacts .

Step 5. Students will create posters of their artifacts and their counterparts for a bulletin board display titled "Links to the Past".

Step 6. Post Activity: Students will present their posters to the class and tell how the artifacts have changed over time or remain relatively the same. Specific attention will be paid to artifact/counterpart names, uses, materials from which each are made, people who may have used/use the items, artifact date, and other interesting facts.

Step 7. Post Activity: Students will complete one of the online activity choices from the web site list below.

Step 8. Post Activity: Students will participate in the American Centuries online activity, "Learning to Look".

Web Site: Pro Teacher

Web Site: American History

Web Site: Pilgrim Hall Museum,

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