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History Lessons By Teachers

Children: Then and Now

Created 20 July 2004 by Linda Farrell

Grade Level(s): lower elementary (K - 3)
Historical Era(s): Progressive Era 1880 - 1914, Two World Wars 1914 - 1945, Contemporary Era 1945 to present
Content Area(s): English Language Arts, Art, US History

"Sap Gatherers"

Second Grade Class

Sleighing in a One-Horse Cutter

Learning to Skate

Mary, Mabel and Frank Colcord

"Learning to Sew"

Baby in Christening Robe

Two children feeding hens

Two Children Blowing Soap Bubbles

Five Children and a Buggy

Boy in a Skeleton Suit

Hitchcock Family Phonograph

Game of Checkers


Mrs. Benjamin Stebbins' Son Climbing a Tree

Summary and Objective

By viewing photographs of different time periods, students will understand that there are differences and similarities between children's lives now and in earlier times. Children will discuss these differences and similarities in children's dress, play activities and chores by comparing photos from the past and present.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Pre-activity: Teacher will enlarge and print children's photos from the PVMA digital collection and from the "History Place" child labor site.

Step 2. Pre-activity: Children will write letters to their parents and grand-parents asking them to send in photos of their families as children. Suggest that parents and grand-parents send in photos of themselves, parents and grandparents as children and engaged in chidhood acitvities and family outings.

Step 3. Pre-activity: Teacher will provide photos of class activities taken during the school year. ie--class photo, classroom activities, school parties. Teacher will also provide pictures of class activities taken over her/his years of teaching.

Step 4. Working in groups, the children will be assigned a category: children's clothing, children at play, children doing chores or at work, children and their families, and children in school. The groups will select photos from the above that fit into their assigned category.

Step 5. Groups will compare and contrast their photos. They should look for such things as clothing and hair styles, types of games played and toys used,means of travel, and types of chores being done.

Step 6. Each group will present their findings to the other groups in the classroom.

Step 7. Following a classroom presentation, the class will invite other classes to the classroom for presentations of their project.

Web Site: History Place, Child Labor

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