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History Lessons By Teachers

Children Same and Different

Created 06 July 2004 by Jane Boron

Grade Level(s): lower elementary (K - 3)
Historical Era(s): Progressive Era 1880 - 1914
Content Area(s): English Language Arts, US History

Deerfield Grammar School Class

Eleanor Brown Stebbins (1875-1955) (Mrs. Benjamin Stebbins) Washing a Child's Hand

Boy in a Skeleton Suit

Five Children and a Buggy

"Sap Gatherers"

Two children feeding hens

Little Girl and Doll at a "Tea Party"

Two Children Blowing Soap Bubbles

Game of Checkers

"Making a Dam"

Mrs. Benjamin Stebbins' Son Climbing a Tree


"The Snow Storm"

"Pilgrim's Progress"

"Child with Pussies" or "Polly and the PussyWillows"

Mary, Mabel and Frank Colcord

Summary and Objective

Using photographs of children from the early 1900s and before, students will discuss what they see in the pictures. Students will understand that there are both similarities and differences between children's lives of earlier times and now. We will use this discussion to record observations and generate a vocabulary list to use during a writing activity.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Using the LCD projector (or multiple copies of photographs if projector is unavailable) display each picture.

Step 2. Ask the students to describe exactly what they see in the picture. Discuss. Begin a vocabulary list.

Step 3. Ask the students to find the similarities and/or the differences between then and now. Discuss and begin listing observations.

Step 4. As the students are disussing the pictures, clarify any questions or misinterpretations and fill in background information as appropriate.

Step 5. Repeat this process for each picture you choose to display.

Step 6. Students will choose a picture and be given a copy of it. They will write about their picture appropriate to their level (a word or words, a sentence, etc.).

Step 7. The final stories will be bound together in a book to share in the classroom.

Step 8. Optional Post Activity - Students have the opportunity to further extend this lesson as they work in the computer lab with the Kidspiration® program.

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