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History Lessons By Teachers

Raid on Deerfield 1704- Through the Eyes of the Survivors

Created 11 August 2004 by dianne wolejko

Grade Level(s): upper elementary (4 - 6)
Historical Era(s): Colonial 1600 - 1750
Content Area(s): US History

Native Carrying Captive, Eunice Williams

Reverend Stephen Williams (1693-1782)

Summary and Objective

Students will imagine that they are survivors of the Raid on Deerfield 1704. They will tell the story of what happened before, during and after the raid from the perspective of the suvivor that they imagine themselves to be. Students will use the website "Raid on Deerfield: The Many Stories of 1704" to learn about what happenened during that event. Students will understand that this historic event can be told from many different perspectives.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Students will enter the site," Raid on Deerfield: The Many Stories of 1704." Students will listen to the introduction. They will then read about the Attack on Deerfield.

Step 2. Using the two images in this activity, students will learn about two of the survivors, Stephen Williams and Eunice Williams. Students will note the posed photograph of Eunice and her captor, and evaluate the authenticity of the image. Clicking on "See Also" and the underlined words will give more information on Eunice and Stephen.

Step 3. Students will also go to the People section on the website "Raid on Deerfield: The many Stories of 1704" and read about some of the survivors of the raid. The list of survivors should include Eunice Williams, Reverend John Williams, Atiwans, Jonathan Hoyt, Jean-Baptiste Hertel de Rouville, Stephen Williams, Kanenstenhawi, and Wattanummon. Students will be asked to imagine that they are one of the survivors and prepare to tell the story of the raid from their survivor's point of view.

Step 4. Students will use index cards to list details about the raid and what it was like for their survivor during this event.

Step 5. Using information from their note cards, students will create a story that will include important facts and information about the raid and what happened to their survivor before, during and after this event.

Step 6. Students will present their stories in a small group setting. Students will be evaluated on how well informed they are about the event, and their ability to tell the story from the perspective of the survivor they imagined themselves to be.

Step 7. Enrichment: 1. Students may dress up in the traditional clothing of their survivor when they make their presentation. 2. Students may present their story to the class through a Power Point Presentation.

Web Site: Raid on Deerfield: The Many Stories of 1704

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