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History Lessons By Teachers

Connecting Links to the Past with Local Artifacts

Created 14 April 2005 by Patty Smith

Grade Level(s): lower elementary (K - 3), upper elementary (4 - 6)
Historical Era(s): Colonial 1600 - 1750, New Nation 1750 - 1800, Expansion 1800 - 1860, Civil War Era 1860 - 1880, Progressive Era 1880 - 1914, Two World Wars 1914 - 1945, Contemporary Era 1945 to present
Content Area(s): English Language Arts, US History

Pod Auger


Wood Mounted Bit

Clock works

Tape loom


Clothes Wringer

Toasting iron

Cheese press


Splitting Froe or Frower

Horse Clog

Summary and Objective

After looking at pictures of common agricultural and household items used in the past, brainstorming how and what they were used for, and checking their predictions against the information given in the digital collection, students will compare the artifacts to modern items used for the same task and artifacts found in a local historical society museum. Students will understand that by making connections between artifacts used in the everyday life of a specific time period and modern tools and appliances, they can make more accurate predictions about artifacts found in other collections, like a local historical society museum.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Students will view pictures of agricultural and household items (without accompanying information) taken from the PVMA American Centuries website. Have students brainstorm what they think the items were used for and how they were used. Teachers: You may want to search the digital collection for additonal items by looking under the index of specific types of items on the assisted search page- try household and agricultural items.

Step 2. Students will work in pairs to answer the following questions about 4 items from the digital collection: What is the object? Where was it used? Who would have used it? How was it used? What has replaced it today?

Step 3. Students will access the American Centuries website and view the items and their accompanying information to see if their guesses were correct.

Step 4. Students will work in pairs to look in magazines and catalogues to find pictures of modern-day utensils that are comparable to the ones viewed in the earlier steps.

Step 5. Post Activity: Students will display their matched items on a poster and prepare a class presentation of their findings.

Step 6. Post Activity: Students will visit a local historical society museum and use their newfound knowledge to predict the uses for artifacts found at the museum.

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