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History Lessons By Teachers

A Day in My Life

Created by Elizabeth Jacobson

Grade Level(s): middle school (7 - 9), high school (10 - 12)
Historical Era(s): Expansion 1800 - 1860, Civil War Era 1860 - 1880, Progressive Era 1880 - 1914
Content Area(s): World History, English Language Arts, US History

Title page
Excerpts from the Diary of Ruth Pease

Inside cover
Excerpts from Edwin Nims' Agricultural Diary

Excerpts from the diary of Elizabeth Babcock Leonard

Excerpts from the Diary of Ellen Louisa Arms (Sheldon)

Title page
Excerpts from Agnes Gordon Higginson Fuller Diary

Excerpts from the diary of Elsie M. Putnam

Title page
Excerpts from the Diary of Ruth Pease

Summary and Objective

In the study of autobiography, students will examine historical diaries and then write about a day in their own lives. By comparing the different time periods, students will understand some of the common themes involved in the everyday human condition and reflected in literature.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. As an "online" activity, students will have access to this website and the various diaries of two centuries ago from "My Collection".

Step 2. They are to choose one of the men or women writers and examine the diary through the "Look Closer” and “Show Text” features.

Step 3. Students will then chose one entry from the diary and write of a similar incident, emotion, or theme that occurred in his or her own life. They will edit it and finalize it within the time period or for homework.

Step 4. An extension of the lesson plan would be to use the "Put items in a chronology" feature in "My Collection", choosing a chronological topic: US History, World History, etc. for each or all of the diaries.

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