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History Lessons By Teachers

Indentured Servitude of Children in Western Massachusetts

Created 22 March 2005 by Karen Latka

Grade Level(s): upper elementary (4 - 6), middle school (7 - 9)
Historical Era(s): Colonial 1600 - 1750, New Nation 1750 - 1800
Content Area(s): US History, Economics

Indenture between Samuel Wells & Jonathan Ballard

Page 1
Indenture between Justin Hitchcock and Moses Church

Indenture of Zechariah Gilson of Northfield

Page 1
Indenture of Sarah Green

Summary and Objective

Students will understand the practice of placing children in indentured servitude in eighteenth century America. By examining indenture contracts they will gather historic information and will form hypotheses about the rights and responsibilities of these children.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Students will have had previous instruction in the practice of indentured servitude. They will have already discussed the fact that one half to two thirds of all white Europeans arriving in the English colonies were indentured servants. They will now learn about the practice of putting colonial boys and girls into indenture.

Step 2. Working in pairs the students will be responsible for selecting and reading two of the four indenture contracts involving children. The pairs will be assigned different readings to insure that all of the contracts are covered.

Step 3. Using a Venn diagram or another appropriate graphic oraganizer, the students will compare and contrast the lives of the children named in the contracts. The students will share their data with the class.

Step 4. Under the guidance of the teacher, the students will discuss and formulate hypotheses about the reasons that some children were placed in servitude. They will also discuss the advantages and drawbacks of this practice.

Step 5. Using their research findings, they will pretend they are children who have been placed in servitude. They will write a letter to a friend to describe their lives in servitude.

Step 6. Extension: students will read primary documents about slavery and compare and contrast chattel slavery with indentured servitude.

Web Site: Indentured Servitude in Colonial America

Web Site: Jamestown Changes

Web Site: Servitude and Apprenticeship

Web Site: Eighteenth Century Native Indentures

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