Teachers' Best Picks:
Resources for Teaching Massachusetts History
and Social Studies Curriculum Standards
This Resource Library is a collection of resources that teachers have suggested as useful for teaching specific content standards. These resources include books, websites, articles, primary sources, museums and historic sites. Teachers are encouraged to add to this library by suggesting a resource and are invited to search this library to find resources for use in their classes. Thank you for your participation.
You can add a resource to the Resource Library by using
our online submission process--it's very simple, just
four short pages to fill in. By clicking the link above,
you'll be able to add one resource to the library. To
add more than one, simply repeat the process. Thanks!
Looking for a resource to use in your classroom?
Browse our library of resources to find one
or many that address whichever standard you need to
Please note: this feature has recently suffered a significant loss of data; as a result some grade levels have few resources. Please bear with us as we work to repopulate the database with new resources. Also, please be assured that the cause of the data loss has been addressed and any newly added resources will be safe.
Please contact Beth Gilgun with questions and feedback. (her email address is: bgilgun@deerfield.history.museum)