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In the Classroom > Course Overview > Unit Overview > Lesson 6
Lesson 6
Excerpt from Deerfield Town Book

aforesaid fence running along the brow of the hill, the aforesaid Captain Jonathan Wells having made a swap.

March 7, 1698

It was agreed and voted that a school be continued in the Town. That all heads of families that have Children whether male or female between the ages of six and ten years shall pay by the poll to said school whether they send such children to School of not.

That a School house be built upon the Town Charge in the year 1698. The dimensions of said house to be 21 foot long, eighteen foot wide and seven foot betwixt joints. Voted affirmatively.

That a Committee shall be chosen to look after the building of said School House and to hire a schoolmaster. Voted affirmatively.

That the persons of a Committee of the Town did choose and empower in the carrying on of the school house aforesaid and in hiring a school master were Mr. Jonathan Catlin, Benoni Stebbins, and William Arms.

March 21, 1698

At a legal town meeting in Deerfield, Captain Wells, Moderator. Further relating to a school, it was then agreed that what children soever shall be sent to said school above the age of ten years or under the age of six year shall pay for according to the time that shall improve said school. Voted affirmatively.

November 11, 1698

Whereas Captain Jonathan Wells was made Choice of to Represent said town in the Great and General Court held in Boston some time in the month of may in the spring the date hereof and accordingly did serve. Said court being adjourned until some time in the month of November. At this meeting said Wells desire of the town to know of him whether they expected he should attend (until next) adjournment or no; upon Consideration the Town voted on the negative.

And whereas said Wells desire further yet for nonattendance on said adjournment he said Wells were fined after he had taken due care for prevention of the same. The town considering it to be rational that they should bear the fine together with him . . . did consent to do it and it was voted in the affirmative.

December 27, 1698

The Town agreed to alter their former way of raising town charges for this year and concluded to raise said rates by way of appraisal of ratable estate to which end Appraisers were Chosen: Sergeant Elizazar Hawks, Sergeant Benoni Stebbins, Simon Beaman and Edward Allen, whose work was to appraise all ratables According to their best judgment and conscience upon these rules following:

1. Land not exceeding 2 pounds per Acre; and so to descend Downward proportionate to the rule; having respect to distance of lands from home and as for goodness what it is rationally and not what it is by Industry.

2. Stock: an ox at 3 shillings and a cow at 2; and a horse at 3; the first and to descend downward according to Age and goodness.


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