In the Classroom > Unit Overview > Lesson 7
Lesson 7 - Readings for the Nims Family Godfrey Nims From The History of Deerfield, Vol. II, George Sheldon, 1895, pg. 250 Nims, Godfrey; cordwainer [shoemaker]; prob. [probably] the ancestor of all of the name in the country; is first heard of as a "lad" at Nhn. [Northampton], Sept., 4, 1667; was in the Falls fight, May 19, 1676; he bought land here in 1674, and was among the earlier permanent sett. [settlers]; in 1692 he bought No. 27, and in 1694 No. 28; these two lots united became the Nims home lot...a house was burned on this lot Jan. 4 1693, and a step-son of Godfrey perished in the flames; another [house] was burned here in 1704, in which three children were lost and his family was nearly exterminated [killed] on that bloody morning; he d. [died] soon aft. [after]......He m. [married] Nov. 26, 1677, Mary, wid. [widow] of Zebediah Williams, dau. [daughter] of William Miller; she d. [died] Apr. 27, 1688; (2) [second wife he married on] June 27, 1692, Mehitable, wid. [widow] of Jeremiah Hull, dau. [daughter] of William Smead; she was cap. [captured] 1704, and k. [killed] on the march to Canada. Ch. [children]: From New England Captives Carried to Canada, Emma L. Coleman, 1925, pg. 102 The Family of Godfrey Nims |