Dr. William
Stoddard Williams (1762-1829)
Town Lot III
William Stoddard Williams married Mary Hoyt of Deerfield in 1786. By 1787 the first of five children, Thomas, was born and in April 1789 the Williams family rented a house on Town Lot III that belonged to blacksmith/gunsmith John Partridge Bull. The house is located at the corner of the Deerfield main street and Albany Road. Also living with Dr. and Mrs. Williams was John Williams, Esq. (1751-1816), a widower, and his two sons and Johns older brother Elijah Williams (1745-1793).
In 1794 Doctor Williams bought the house on Town Lot III which also included the empty lot next to the graveyard, Town Lot VIII, and in 1799 the doctor enlarged the house and added a "portico." By 1804 Doctor Williams had acquired two more lots on Albany Road: Lot IV and Lot VII. These four lots stayed in the Williams family until 1912.