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Search Results for: Presidents

80 items have been found that match your search request.

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Title page "The Illustrated American Biography; Containing Correct Portraits of The Principal Actors in American History"
Volume I, like the other five volumes, contains 100 portraits and brief biographical sketches of individuals who played an active part in American history.
Cover "America's Triumph at Panama"
The path between the seas - the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans - was ultimately completed by American workers in 1914.
document "In Memory of JAMES ABRAM GARFIELD"
c. 1881
Widely admired for his actions prior to the presidency, President James A. Garfield's assassination only months into his first term caused a great deal of sorrow.
document "Lieut. Genl. Ulysses S. Grant U.S.A."
This heroic portrayal of the Union's chief general, Ulysses S. Grant, had symbolic elements typical for its day.
document "Home Affairs"- 100 Gun Salute to Lincoln
Nov 12, 1860
The Election of 1860 was a political free-for-all, with four candidates running for three parties. Greenfield, Massachusetts, celebrated the victory of the Republican Abraham Lincoln, in a county that Lincoln carried by a landslide.
document "The Inaugural"
Mar 11, 1861
At his first inauguration Abraham Lincoln delivered a speech that was widely analyzed by both north and south. This article describes Greenfield's reactions to it and proposes remedies for some of the wrongs it sees in the country.
document "Visit to President Lincoln by the Massachusetts Delegation"
Mar 11, 1861
Abraham Lincoln solidly carried Massachusetts and as a result he warmly met its delegation several days after his inauguration. After seeing the president the delegation went to see Gen. Winfield Scott, the elderly general-in-chief of the army.
document "Evacuation of Fort Sumter!"
Mar 18, 1861
Abraham Lincoln considered evacuating Fort Sumter in the weeks before its surrender, but in the end the plan was not feasible. It required more ships than he had so he decided to supply it instead. This article though, reports the abortive plan to evacuate the fort as an accomplished fact.
document "The Traitor's Confederacy"
Mar 18, 1861
The Constitution of the Confederate States of America is analyzed in this article. The constitution was closely patterned after the U.S. Constitution but with some crucial differences.
document "Southern and War Items"
Apr 15, 1861
Confusion reigned from the very start of the war, as this report attests: rumors, fact, and wishful thinking swirl.


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