(c) Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, Deerfield MA. All rights reserved. Contact us for information about using this image.
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This railway station once was a two-story building, originally completed in 1873. A fire consumed the upper part of the building, which once had a clock tower and restaurant, in 1892. It was reconstructed as this building, which utterly changed the style: the first building had mansard roofs and classic Victorian styling, including cast iron filigree atop the main tower and two side towers, while this building has a classical temple porch and low-slung roof. The station first served the Troy and Boston Railroad, later the Fitchburg Railroad and still later the Boston & Maine. Today, the station is the town's bus depot, as there is no longer passenger service to Athol. The railroad tracks behind it carry freight trains owned and operated by Guilford Transportation.