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History Lessons By Teachers

The Pilgrims Land!

Created by C Hawley

Grade Level(s): lower elementary (K - 3)
Historical Era(s): Colonial 1600 - 1750
Content Area(s): English Language Arts, Art, US History

Plate:"Landing of the Fathers at Plymouth"

Tile: "Landing of the Pilgrims 1620"

Summary and Objective

Students will understand that different artists can depict the same event in history in different ways. They will carefully observe the plate and the tile, which both depict the Pilgrim landing. They will then discuss their observations and compare the portrayals.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Show students how to access the pictures of the plate and the tile on the website and ask them to read the labels and information captions. Direct their attention to the title and the dates for each. Discuss what the items are and why they were made.

Step 2. Show students how to use the zoom feature to view the details. Give them time to explore these two items.

Step 3. Focusing on each picture, one at a time, ask students to describe what they see. Use the following guiding questions, as necessary: What do you see in the picture? What do you notice about it? What are the Pilgrims doing? Who else is in the picture? What do you notice in the background? Encourage students to include DETAILS in their descriptions.

Step 4. Ask students to compare the depictions. Use the following guiding questions, as necessary: What is the same about both pictures? What is different in the two pictures? Do you see anything in one picture that is not in the other picture?

Step 5. Optional Follow Up Activity: Have students draw their own pictures of the Pilgrim landing.

Step 6. The website below has a painting of the Pilgrim landing that you might like to look at and compare also. Be sure to scroll down to the right picture. It is called "The Pilgrim Fathers' first landing 13 Nov 1620".

Web Site: The Pilgrim Fathers' First Landing

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