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History Lessons By Teachers

Rationing in the United States during World War II

Created 20 August 2006 by Robert Shipman

Grade Level(s): high school (10 - 12)
Historical Era(s): Two World Wars 1914 - 1945
Content Area(s): US History

Page 1
WWII Mileage Ration Identification card

WWII Ration books and case

WWII Application for Renewal of Fuel Oil ration

Summary and Objective

Students will understand that rationing during the second World War was a sacrifice made by civilians on the homefront. It was a way of allowing people to contribute to the war effort on a personal level. It was an act of patriotism that shared the burden of fighting the war with the soldiers on the front lines.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Ask students to imagine that there is rationing in the United States today.

Step 2. Give each student 3 index cards.

Step 3. Direct students to write on each card one thing that, if rationed, would negatively impact the quality of their life in an important way. Be specific.

Step 4. Display the index cards on the classroom board for all to see. Have students elaborate on the importance of these goods in their everyday lives.

Step 5. Direct students to look at ration books and coupons from the collection, and web site, to identify items that were rationed in WWII.

Step 6. Direct students to create a list of rationed items in the United States in WWII.

Step 7. Compare the two lists. Remind the students that the WWII list reflected the sense of sacrifice and patriotism, by Ameriacn civilians, to support the soldiers in the war.

Step 8. Direct students to remove from the board any of their personal index card(s) with the item(s) that they would personally sacrifice to support our country at war today.

Web Site: Global WWII rationing list

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