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History Lessons By Teachers

Entertainment: Now and Then

Created 24 May 2007 by Marks-Sund

Grade Level(s): lower elementary (K - 3), upper elementary (4 - 6)
Historical Era(s): Progressive Era 1880 - 1914
Content Area(s): US History, Economics

Picnic, Mt. Sugar Loaf

Railroad Station

Title page
"Trolley Wayfinder"

150 Anniversary, Bernardston, Mass.-Parade Float

Sleighing in a One-Horse Cutter

"Taking Tea"

Jeanne D' Arc Performance

Camp Meeting Residence

Lake Pleasant

Academy of Music

Summary and Objective

Students will understand that entertainment is an exmple of how culture has changed. They will compare and contrast different forms of entertainment between early 1900's and the present utilizing a set of 10 images from the digital collection.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. The students should be divided into groups of four. The teacher will ask students to think of ways they, their family, and friends have fun. The recorder from each group should write his/her group responses. After a five minute limit, the reporter from each group presents its group results. The teacher will write these responses on a chart tablet labeled "Fun in the 21st Century".

Step 2. The teacher will prompt students to think about what they believe people in the early 20th century did for fun.

Step 3. The reporter from each group will give the results to the teacher who will in turn write them on a chart tablet.

Step 4. Next, the teacher will provide a set of 2-3 images to each group. (Any description written on the image should be covered) The students are to give suggestions as to the type of entertainment that appears in the image. The group recorder writes down the groups' suggestions. Groups exchange images. Ex: Group#1-Group#2; Group#2-Group#3, etc.

Step 5. After all images have been examined, the teacher will provide each group with a set of 10 labels. The groups will match the labels with their images. The teacher will call on volunteers to read the labels that they matched with their images. (with younger students, the teacher can read the labels aloud and children can find the matching image) The other groups can agree or disagree. The teacher will provide the correct response if necessary.

Step 6. The students will match pictures with the list of today's entertainment noting differences. The teacher will ask students to think about the cost for the entertainment in the following two images: "Trolley" and "Academy of Music." She will have each group compare and contrast the amount spent then and now.

Step 7. For enrichment activities, students can explore the internet to research what other countries did for entertainment. Students can also make advertisements with the images presented. Have students search the website listed. They can make a list of the differences and similarities of amusement parks then and now. One activity can include research of the prices for rides, food, and games and compare them to today's prices.

Web Site: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/coney/tguide/index.html

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