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History Lessons By Teachers

Early American Lighting

Created by Sarah Adolph

Grade Level(s): upper elementary (4 - 6)
Historical Era(s): New Nation 1750 - 1800, Expansion 1800 - 1860, Civil War Era 1860 - 1880
Content Area(s): US History, Science, Economics


Sconce-Candle Reflector


Whale Oil Lamp

Camphene Lamp

Whale-oil Lamp

Carriage Lamp

Summary and Objective

Students will understand the importance of light and how different types of lighting fixtures have changed over time. Students will understand that light is a form of energy and comes from different fuels. Students will understand why it was more economical to switch from whale oil to kerosene. Students will discuss where energy for lighting comes from today.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. The teacher and students will discuss what people used for light before the invention of the light bulb. The teacher will discuss what energy is used to run our modern day lights.

Step 2. Students will be divided into seven groups and each group will examine one of the early American lighting fixtures that the teacher has printed out. Students will brainstorm to try and answer the following question with only the picture: What material was used to make the light? How do you think the object or fixture works to make light?

Step 3. After brainstorming each group will be given the detailed written information about their light from the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association website. The group will read the information and complete the above questions and answer a few new questions. What is the name of their lighting fixture? What is the approximate date the fixture was used? What type of material was used to produce the light? How did the object work?

Step 4. Next each student will draw a picture of how they envision their lighting fixture was used in the past.

Step 5. Students will present their lighting fixture to the class answering the above questions. Students will discuss what was the best type of lighting and why? Student can also discuss what it would be like today if we were still using these lighting fixtures.

Step 6. Extension Activity: Students could make a timeline of man’s creation of lighting fixtures.

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